Saturday 9 March 2013

You know you want it too!

A little bit of desire hurts no one. We all need love, we need to be tended too. It snot selfish to want good things for yourself. But, not all of us are lucky enough to get love without asking for it, for some of us, we just have to ask. To put yourself out there, and tell them, "I want love Mr., and everything that comes with it." Or you could just read them something I tailored:

I need warmth
I need Passion endless
A sweet whisper,
A kiss and
A promise.
I want compassion, jealousy,
I need a heart break
And then I need someone to fix it
I want to be a smile,
A tear, a wound
And a cry.
Its hard to love
I know that quite right
That’s why I’ve never loved.
Its never easy to let go
That’s why I never get close enough.
But, Now I don’t want to live on nothing
All that I ran away from
I want it all now
I want love.

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